Discover our sugars, through their universe:


Candy sugar

Enhance the coffee or tea moment,
of the purity and charm of candy sugar

4 results displayed

Bâtonnets sucre candi 10 bâtonnets "expresso"Batonnets de sucre candi brun et blanc

10 espresso sticks

Assortment of white and brown candy sticks, espresso size

Candy stick, to sweeten teaBâtonnet "the" candiBatonnets "thé" de sucre candi roux et blanc

10 tea sticks

They are admired for a long time before being plunged, almost reluctantly, into a still-boiling cup to gently melt the sugar.

White sugar candyWhite sugar candy

White sugar candy

Éclats de sucre candi blanc à partager à l'heure du thé.

Brown sugar candyBrown sugar candy

Brown sugar candy

A pretty transparent sugar bowl for brown candy.
